Saturday, August 04, 2007

When Good Pastors go Bad :)

Here's a video of our illustrious youth pastor having a great time... Grant you are a legend!


Anonymous said...

Your youth pastor rocks! good to see pastors being human and having fun!

Miss Wallace said...

hmmm, I have to say that on bebo, it says Grant is 'crumping' and he isnt, coz that aint crumping, that is something else.....

Ray said...

Hey Rags,
Yeah, grant is an awesome guy - funny and genuinely cares about the youth.

Reuben (Mr Krump it up himself), says that it is valid krumping. He wouldn't do it himself.

Just before this clip, reuben and grant had a Krump battle. Reuben was off the charts (think liquid chocolate). And the cool thing was, a couple of kids walked off the street as they had heard the beats. This girl literally walked into church, went down the front, and started krumping. She even stayed for a bit of the message, and then left.

Miss Wallace said...

well, if Reuben says it is, it must be, I trust Reuben with the whole dancing thing!
And thats also pretty mint to see people coming in off the street aye!