Monday, August 20, 2007

Peru update: Earthquake - Safe N Sound.

From Lynda on 18/8/7!

Hey guys!

Dont know if you heard about the earthquake here..? It hit on Wed. night, and was a level 8 on the richter scale, Peru´s largest earthquake. Just wanted to let you know I've got out and I'm ok. The town we (my cuz and I) were in was hit, its only a few k´s from the epicentre. It gave me the scare of my life. There was no warning, the ground just started shaking and shaking, and then the power line snapped, and all the lights went out. There were a couple of girls wailing and screaming, so I just tried to calm THEM down, not having a clue what to do myself! Walls were falling down,and there were powerlines above us. All that training about going under a doorway just didnt seem so sure when the buildings are made of mud brick..! We were in a small town in a desert, surrounded by sand dunes, and we figured the safest place to go was up one of those, away from buildings and powerlines. We ended up spending the night out there, no way you´d get me to go back inside a building with all the aftershocks. I was so thankful, a group of Colombians and Ecuadorians took us under their wing, and brought out blankets, food, water and even a tent for us to cram into for the night.

I just want to praise God for His protection... We had been sitting outside at a table when it hit... and jumped up and ran out to the street. A few moments later the wall above where we were fell down and crushed the table and chairs we´d been on. arrrgghhh!!! Thankyou God for Your protection!!!!

Anyways, just so you know we finally got out of there now that the roads are passable, and are now safely in Lima. There´s so much destruction of houses here, and lots of people have lost their lives. Please pray for the Peruvians in this time.

My love to you all, I´ll be home in one week from Sunday.

Lynda xoxo

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