Friday, August 24, 2007

Intro to Servanthood

Intro to servanthood: Servanthood is faith in action

I asked a group of people the other day what they thought of when they herd the word servanthood, the majority considered that to be a servant was not much different to being a slave or do all this work that they don’t really enjoy or want to do, “servanthood is just slaves in the hood” as someone said.

The reality is that servanthood is actually the outworking of your faith.

If you believe in Jesus Christ and his Church and its appointed leaders then at some point your belief will have to have some sort of substance or evidence (faith) to it otherwise you are blindly believing and allowing yourself to float along life’s journey at the mercy of “fate”.

Christ wants us to make a definitive decision with vision (as opposed to blind faith) about following him. “With out vision the people perish” the bible says (Pro 29:18). Without vision we put ourselves at the mercy of fate and will perish and we all know who is in charge of making things perish don’t we?

So those that have fate are at the mercy of the devil and those that have faith are at the mercy of Christ who is the head of the Church, which the bible says everything revolves about (Eph 1:23 Msg).

Now we have come full circle. If you believe in Jesus and in his Church and its leaders then at some point your belief will have to have evidence to it, in other words your faith will have to have the substance of action.

This action translates to Servanthood!!

I believe that servanthood, even the menial tasks that need done, is actually the out working of my faith. I believe that in servanthood, even picking up that piece of rubbish, I’m actually advancing the Church and the Kingdom of God.

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