What's a reson8r?
Who Are We?
[last updated 12 February 2009]
Resonate is the tertiary student/young workers (approx 18-25) ministry at the Invercargill Christian Centre. We are full of crazy, off the wall but totally cool people on fire for Jesus, wanting to serve the young adults in our city and ignite a generation for Christ.
We have a number of life groups that meet in homes & flats around our city, as well as outreaches into the S.I.T.
If you are new to Invercargill, the Christian Centre or searching to find out more about God, then we are here for YOU!!! Just leave a message and we will be in touch!
Where Are We?
The Christian Centre is located @ 165 Leet Street, Invercargill. Here's a map if you were wanting to find us:We have a number of cell groups running each week. They are:
Ray and Shannon's
Tuesday 7.30pm
1 Lowe Street
Home: (03) 214 1344
Shannon: (021) 130 1177
Ray: (021) 284 6149
Hannah Robb and Kate Cochrane
Wednesday 7.30 from Tuesday 24 February 09
45 Venus Street
Home: (03) 216 2561
Hannah: (027) 412 8686
Kate: (027) 479 9865
Contact Us!
There are a number of ways to get a hold of us.
Email Ray
Resonate on Bebo
Phone us @ church : 03 214 4562
Youth Cell Phones:
Telecom -027 710 8274
Vodafone -021 0225 7145
165 Leet Street
P O Box 713
New Zealand