The day after the night before...
Ah, the day after the night before... what a phenomenal service!! It was just fantastic to see such a powerful move in the Spirit... my arms are still sore from catching people trying to walk through the prayer tunnel.
I really get the sense that it has been a significant weekend for the Church, and Cutting Edge in particular. Lives have been impacted, and I reckon we really need to talk about what God's been doing this weekend in more detail. It would be great to hear from other people and get them to post on the main page just what they felt God doing in their lives this weekend (Cattie and Mike, this means YOU). Testimonies are really one of the most powerful tools we have when share with others what impact God has had on our life.It's funny. For me, I didn't really have any rhema words or aha! moments. In fact, on Sunday morning, when I fell over, it was simply because I couldn't stand up anymore!!! I remember kind of being aware of others around me and stuff happening, and thinking "I wonder if this is what it's supposed to be like..." I tried to get up and suddenly realised for the life of me, i couldn't move. I felt a pretty awesome weight, and then I realised I was completely peaceful, without fear or insecurity, and felt fully accepted. It was just brilliant. During the night service, it was pretty similar, and again I felt fully accepted.
Today (Monday 5 June) has also been a great day. It was just fantastic to be hanging out with all of the Cutting Edge group, and a real buzz to have people around even when we weren't there (oh yeah, sorry about having to go to lunch and tea). The sense of unity and community that is developing is just really encouraging, and I pray that we continue to make Cutting Edge a place of acceptance and fun where relevant and spirit-filled Christians are being developed and encouraged. Momentum is continuing to build, and we need to continue to stir things up.
Lol, sorry there aren't any photos from last night - the Cutting Edgers weren't in too much of a state to take photos... props to the Lowe Street crew for staying up until three... hardcore socialites...
I tried, but still don't think i fairly reflected the awesome weekend that was... if you were there, you'll hopefully know what i mean.
Yeah mate i know exactly what you mean.. lost for words!
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