Saturday, April 08, 2006

Those rabbits had it coming to them...

Rabbit shooting last night was just great fun. Around a dozen manly men braved the weather (which was starry) to go out and do our part in saving the environment from one of nature's greatest pests...

Yes, that's right, clay birds. Unfortunately hitting clay targets with a shotgun was a bit harder than a lot of us thought, so we went after something a bit more cute and cuddly (and oh so squishy).

It would be hard to say which group was in the more dangerous position. Peter Millar was behind the wheel of his V8 monster, and boy could he go once you saw the flash of the rabbit's eyes. It was pretty exhilarating to at least twice feel the back of the truck start to slide out. Simon would have to have the shot of the night where he dropped a rabbit dead which was hiding BEHIND a post.

Paul's truck on the other hand was something to behold. The door was pretty dubiously fastened to the cab... first and second gears were in high demand (mainly because the others were a little "unreliable"). And as for the brakes...

It was great to see that testosterone is alive and well at the Christian Centre.


Miguel said...

That was a killer night that we will have to repeat! I think we need bigger guns next time tho..

Ray said...

hmm, playing halo 2 on saturday night gave me some ideas...

Miguel said...

what kind of ideas are they?

Ray said...

how hard would it be to make a home made rocket launcher? :) it could be one of those orange shooting guns... those rabbits would really run then...

Miguel said...

now That would be funny!! I can see it now... 5 Crazy people with home-made orange spud guns hanging on for dear life off the back of Pete's 4wd V8 Ute in a paddock full of rabbits... :D Grin

Anonymous said...

Go Si