Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Something to consider

Well so it's been a little while since I have posted - sorry for being so slack!!
Life for the average Reson8r has been pretty busy, and I have been no exception. Between work, study, family and church it's difficult at times to take a few moments for myself let alone jump on the computer and write about how busy we are!! But it has got me thinking.

How often do we actually take the times to appreciate the little things? Sounds cliched I know but in all honesty I find that sometimes I get so busy doing the work for God that I forget to actually spend time with God. Which is crazy because when you love someone and are in relationship with them then you should actually want to spend time with them.

Imagine being best friends with somebody but you don't actually talk to them, hang out them or even answer the phone each time they call you.
In fact you ignore them completely - except maybe when your world falls apart and then you need a shoulder to cry on. But you still consider yourselves to be best friends and believe you have an amazing, understanding, loving relationship because you just happen to do things on behalf of that person.
Lets be honest , real relationships don't actally work that way. But yet how often are we like that with God?
We spend so much time doing stuff in His name, and for the church, but in essence we are so far removed from God it's not funny. We don't hang out with Him, we don't talk to Him unless we want something and we certainly don't listen when He has something to say. Would we even recognise His voice at the other end of the line if he called?
There is a saying my old youth leader used to have - "If the devil can't make you bad he'll make you busy." Often we allow our busyness get in the way of whats really important - RELATIONSHIP.
I don't know about you but when it comes my turn to go hang with Jesus in eternity I want to know that I am going to be hanging with my best friend, not a random accquaintance. I don't want to get so hung up on serving Him that I forget to know Him.

What about you? Do your priorities lie in the doing of Jesus or your relationship with Him?


Hannah Rae Robb said...

yea-yah shan that was kewl and challenging!!

and amen to the so busy thing...
i am constantly in need of reminding not to try do things all on my own and "pretend" im giving it to god and actually GIVE it to god and share it with him ay!! its life is like goin round in circles alot of the time. you would think wen we earn sumthing that we would stick to it but noooo, stubborn and selfish, we are (yoda styles)
anyways bless u and anyone reading! God is high and should be lifted up in everything we do

Hannah Rae Robb said...

ah... and i meant when we LEARN sumthing lol not EARN...