Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Outreach - Community Breakout...

Hey Reson8rs!
Long time, no posting!

It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for us - we've started our focus on outreach, with the Jam Nite last Saturday, and the XBox day a bit before that. Our most successful thing we've done so far is the student meals, which look like they may be becoming a regular thing...

Shannon's going to post on some of the outreach things we've done, as well as go into what it means to outreach to our community.

We'll keep you posted...


Michaela said...

Dude, that is so cool. I'm so happy that God is answering your prayers. Pray hard for youth that are rising up in leadership. It's so easy for us to let our relationship with God slip. There are SO many distractions for teens (I'm sure you know).

God is answering my prayers too. I officially have my own column in my school's paper so I have a big sphere of influence to speak my mind to my fellow teens without being harsh and "in your face". God is really using my writing to influence people. A lot of people (teachers and students) have been talking to me about my articles. I'm seriously stoked.

And don't worry about not commenting. I wasn't specifically talking about YOU just more the general population lol.

Oh, and, Canada has provinces not states :D

Michaela said...

...I should go to New Zealand and see what you guys do there...