Thursday, March 01, 2007

Village Life...

Hey guys!

Hope all is well in your part of the world! Just a wee update on my first week in the canyon..!

* Cotahuasi Canyon life is going well. Apart from my usual daily embarrassments in trying to speak Spanish (like yesterday when someone asked me about people's skin colour in NZ and, misunderstanding the question completely, I said 'yes, it does rain a lot in winter, but summers can be pretty warm..!' IDIOT!) I've even been shopping a few times, to try and blend in a bit more to village style (long skirts over pants is very in here)

* I had 120 peruvians sing me 'feliz cumpleanos' on my birthday (at a wedding reception) - what a treat!

* This week has been a real eye opener. I got to travel with a couple of the peruvian guys on their visits to local villages. Gosh... I thought my village was rural - these people really have nothing. I made the mistake of asking where the bathroom was... and was met with puzzled looks. Eventually, I was led to a hole in the ground (surrounded by faeces) in a small tin shed.

We went to the villages to play with the kids and sing songs. I just don't' know how to describe these kids. As soon as we pulled up in the car, we were swarmed by them, squealing, laughing and jumping on and in the car to get to us. Grubby faces and dirty clothes. It started raining... I pulled my hood on and bundled up warm... they didn't even notice, and just got wet. And I can't imagine any of their mothers was at home worrying they'd catch a cold. Not from the number of intoxicated men and women we saw roaming the street. It was such an honour to bless their lives for those few hours. If you're someone who prays, pray for these kiddies. They don't really have much hope in life... without God's love!

Until next time, take care and huge blessings to y'all
Love, Lynda xoxo

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