Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge!

Lol... Ally was great with the message she brought on the Five D's of the devil (will get an outline of it and post when not busy, meaning probably never...), and the five defensive d's as above.

Worship on friday night services are just getting better and better, and i am fully confident we have one of the best worship teams in NZ.

Just as an aside, the impartation night on Tuesday was brilliant - a great atmosphere of encouragement and prophecy... I'm pretty sure there are a few guys who are still trying to figure out how they knew what they did! It was a pretty significant night really. The last time we had a significant night like that was the preaching night last year. I believe that it's no coincidence that of the 14 last year @ that night, 9 are now in leadership of some kind at church. Pretty cool eh? If you did have a good time on tuesday and wanted to find out more, come and see Ally, Shannon or I and we can get you hooked up. Also, the clearwaters wanted to extend the invitation that anyone who was interested in becoming part of the ministry team at church should go and see them. You guys rock!!!


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